Archives for category: Neutrals

These photos speak a thousand words for a simply good feeling in a personal space.  Something I have noticed in these photos, and that I am actually utilizing in my new apartment,  is the use of natural woven objects…baskets, hats, blinds, etc.  I am enjoying the feeling it evokes.  I want to thank emmas designblogg…a great Swedish blog…for these photos.  She also has a great Pinterest.  Happy creating!


I haven’t been posting for about one month because I was fastidiously

moving into my new apartment in a 100 year old house in

downtown Ann Arbor, and have been facing ‘new space’ challenges…

what this blog is about!  I have discarded, ruthlessly purged,

kept only the useful or beautiful and am finely able to find cyber time

(also important for yin yang in one’s apartment).  Here is an

arrangement I just hung of Bulgarian photos which I framed recently,

and love dearly, purchased from the photographer’s wife.

This photo is an iPhone photo, not perfect, but you get the idea.  The

chest of drawers holds my CD collection, stationery and hats and

scarves.  The ‘Zen of My Flat’ is a new challenge, and one that I am

enjoying.  More photos to come!

via Ensuite Assai

(Source: atdcmc, via coralette)


(Source:, via c-a-l-m-sea)



If you have some spring freshening up to do, here are some ‘neutral’ ways to brighten up your apartment.  With spring here, I am in the mood for sunlight and a feeling of clean.  I have the urge to purge all of my unwanted items and refresh my space.  These looks are inspiring me, and maybe they will have the same effect on  you.  HAPPY SPRING EQUINOX!